Wednesday 19 February 2014

my finished vector drawing of an apple.

the original picture of the apple.

When I was choosing the file format for my drawing we were given a article to read that gives us some information that we should consider before choosing a file format. This is a link to the article. I chose the .GIF as a file because I learned that the GIF handles colors better, the article tells me that the GIF file format creates a table of 256 colors from a pool of 16 million colors and that if the picture has less than 256 colors then the photo will be rendered exactly which really helps a lot.

Next was the procedure what I did was that I put the photo on the lower layer and worked around the photo. I made a new layer for every new thing that I added for example a new layer for the stem, leaf, etc. when I was making the drawing I used the gradient tool to put some shade onto the apple to give it a more realistic look.

While creating this vector drawing i encountered some challenges. One challenge i encountered was that the leaf curved at the end of it so it was a struggle so make it look real. what i did to fix this problem was that i separated the front of the leaf from the back to make it look like it curves at the end. another problem was that the apple looked to flat when i covered the body of the apple. What i did to fix this was that i used the gradient tool on it to add a shade that gave the apple a curved look which helped alot with the final outcome.

in the end i feel happy with the final outcome of the apple because i feel like i put alot of work into this assignment and i created a work that i am proud of. This is because the apple looks very realistic and has a very good shape to it and i believe i payed alot of attention to detail so my apple looks very realistic and looks like the real photo. And that is why i am happy with my final outcome.

Thursday 6 February 2014

Pixel Portrait

this is my pixel portrait at a .GIF file format.

this is my pixel portrait at a .PNG file format.

When i look at both photos at the same time when they are next to each other when i zoom in on each file i notice that the png is a slight bit darker when i look at the cheeks on the face. When i really start to close up on the face i notice that both format's have a very close line quality, for me it is hard to differentiate between the two because of the very close quality's. in my opinion i think that both have about the same quality because both have high quality and for me it is hard to determine the difference.

When doing this project i was trying to accentuate my eyes because my eyes were ,i thought, going to be the most vesible part of this pixel portrait so i wanted to make them "pop".

The way that i made this portrait was that i put the photo into one layer then i lowered its opacity so i can work well then i added another layer over the original picture layer then i worked over it. i found this helpful because i could see my face's features so it helped with my faces's composition.